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Dr. János Pakucs
Dr. János Pakucs
21 February 2018
Modified: 19 March 2018
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
Chairman of the Innovation Board
Electrical and economic engineer, economist,
Honorary President, Hungarian Association for Innovation
Managing Director, OT Industries Asset Utilization LLC

Dr. Pakucs János - Innovációs Testület, elnök

Electrical and economic engineer, economist. Founding president, currently Honorary President of the Hungarian Association for Innovation. Chairman of Innovation Board of Budapest University of Technology and Economics, President of Pro Progressio Foundation and Vice-President of the Association of Hungarian Talent Support Organisations. Member of the Presidium of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists and also member of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering

He has been awarded several times for his professional achievement, his work to improve Hungarian innovation performance and organise talent support, of which special mention is to be made of the following: Middle Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic, Order of Merit of the President of the Republic, Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic, Dénes Gábor Award, Gyula Hevesi Award, For the Hungarian Economy Award and Honoris Causa Ányos Jedlik Award. Honorary citizen of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Previously the Managing Director of Hungarian Research and Development Institute of Carbon Hydrogens, then the Managing Director of Olajterv Holding from 1990-2013, at present the Managing Director of OT Industries Asset Utilization LLC.
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Updated: 19 March 2018
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