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Dr. Péter Kacsuk
22 August 2023
Modified: 14 September 2023
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
Member of the National Research Infrastructure Committee

Dr. Kacsuk PéterData, Computing and Digital Infrastructures
Scientific Advisor, Computer and Automation Research Institute

Computer scientist and researcher. Focus areas: parallel and distributed computing systems, grid and cloud systems architecture and programming frameworks, scientific portals, workflow systems and desktop grid systems. Péter Kacsuk was a founding member and president of several Hungarian and international professional organisations (Hungarian Transputer User Group, Hungarian Grid Competence Centre, International Desktop Grid Federation). He is the technical leader of the ELKH Cloud project and infrastructure and the leader of the ELKH ARP project. Coordinator of 4 European projects and working group leader in several European projects. He has been a professor at the University of Miskolc, ELTE in Budapest and the University of Westminster in London.

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Updated: 14 September 2023
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