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Dr. István Szászi
05 July 2023
Modified: 05 July 2023
Reading time: 2 minute(s)

Member of the National Science Policy Council
Representative of the Bosch Group in Hungary/Adriatic region, Head of the Middle and Eastern European Engineering Cluster

Dr. Szászi IstvánDr. István Szászi was born in Mátészalka and completed his studies at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. In 1997, he obtained a degree in vehicle engineering, then in 2004 a PhD degree in the field of fault-tolerant vehicle dynamical systems, and then in 2005 an MBA degree in finance and economics, as well as quality and production management. After graduating from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, he became an assistant professor and later an adjunct professor at the University.

In 2004, he continued his academic career in the business sector as a project engineer for the Bosch Group in Hungary. He started his management career in Reutlingen, Germany, where he worked as a team leader and later became head of the development department for Chassis Systems Control at the Engineering Center Budapest. This was followed by another delegation in Germany, and in 2018 he took over the management of the Automotive Electronics development division at Budapest. Since 2019 he is the head of the Engineering Center Budapest, and since 1 July 2021, he is the representative of the Bosch Group in Hungary and the Adriatic region. He is responsible for more than 23,000 employees in the region, including thousands of engineers in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.

He is a member of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering and an honorary associate professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Since 25 March 2022, he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Rudolf Kálmán Foundation for Óbuda University.

Updated: 05 July 2023
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