1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 9.
A rendezvény helyszíne: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 9.
A rendezvény időpontja: 2019. május 30. 10-14 óra között
A program további részleteit és az érkező csehországi cégek profilját az angol nyelvű leírásban találja.
Előzetes regisztrációját (B2B igény esetén angol nyelvű intézményi profillal együtt) a gergely.meszaros@nkfih.gov.hu címen tudja leadni.
The Embassy of the Czech Republic and the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office invites you to a Czech Nano Day.
Join our event where exhibiting Czech companies and researchers will be showcasing advanced materials, nanotech based batteries, nanocomposites and medical, environmental and food industry applications of nanotechnologies.
The showcase will take place at the Headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Science on May 30, 2019 between 10 a.m. – 2.p.m.
10:00-10:30 |
Opening remarks by: |
10:40 |
Presentation of Czech Nanotechnology Companies |
12:00 |
Networking buffet lunch (catering provided by the Czech Embassy) |
13:30 |
End of the meeting |
Please register at gergely.meszaros@nkfih.gov.hu
We look forward to welcoming you.
Detailed list about the Czech Nanotechnological Firms
Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association (www.nanoasociace.cz)
The Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association brings together Czech nanotech companies from various industries, from the textile industry to biotechnology, environmental applications, optics, and the energetics. Some of them are using nanotechnology in manufacturing or in applications; others are developing and manufacturing final nanomaterials or products.
The aim of the Association is to represent the interests of Czech nanotechnology companies and research both at the national and world level. The Association builds on the good name that the Czech Republic has in this field in the world and is trying to spread the positive awareness about nanotechnologies in society. It also focuses on the active support of all opportunities for cooperation between industry and research. The association has 22 members.
Advanced Materials-JTJ (www.amjtj.com)
Advanced Materials-JTJ was founded in 2003 with the main focus on commercialization of photocatalysis, material chemistry and development of new applications of nanomaterials. AM-JTJ introduced its own industrial process of manufacturing of photocatalytic multifunctional paints for air purification. A number of patents protect the technology in the Czech Republic, Canada, China, South Africa, USA and many others are pending. Simultaneously, the company has developed a patented large-scale technology to produce TiO2 nanoparticles with high efficiency.
FILTREX (www.filtrex.cz)
Manufacturer of the highly dependable and powerful filters with rich experience ranges from food processing industry filtration to winemaking and brewery filtration. FILTREX s.r.o. cooperating with PARDAM s.r.o. developed the nanofiber membrane RIFTELEN N15 for wine, beer and oil filtration. It has a considerably better flow of the filtrated liquid through the filter compared to the classical and currently known filtrating materials.
HE3DA - High Energy 3D Accumulator (www.he3da.cz)
HE3DA has developed the technology and process of producing lithium-based nanomaterials with 3D special electrodes. HE3DA produces batteries with capacities of up to hundreds of MWh, which can be as large as a train wagon. These accumulators are primarily used for energy back-up, whether in the event of a power outage (in the case of hospitals and similar non-stop operations), or to balance power at unpredictable sources – mainly photovoltaic and wind power plants.
This new type of battery should be almost absolutely safe due to the use of a ceramic separator and the deposition of cells in the metal frame. In addition to the fact that HE3DA batteries are cheaper than competing products, they are also fully recyclable. In 2018, NASA selected HE3DA as one of the 25 most innovative ideas.
PARDAM (www.pardam.cz)
Pardam, s. r. o. produces high-quality nanofibrous materials (inorganic NnF CERAM© and polymer NnF MBRANE©) manufactured using industrial forcespinning production technology. Pardam has been focusing on production and development of nanofibrous materials since 2009 and has extensive experience with electrospinning and forcespinning production technology. Various applications in e.g. separation membranes, battery separators, catalysts.
TESCAN (www.tescan.com)
TESCAN is one of the global suppliers of scientific instruments. The company is building its reputation and brand name in the field of designing and manufacturing scanning electron microscopes and system solutions for different applications. TESCAN has over 2500 scanning electron microscopes installations in more than 80 countries.
NanoSPACE (www. nanospace.cz)
NanoSPACE is the first company in the world that manufactures nanofibre barrier bedding covers and anti-dust mite toys. This innovative way to protect against dust mites and their allergens places nanoSPACE among the world’s leading manufacturers of anti-allergic protective coatings for bedding.
1077 Bp., Kéthly Anna tér 1., 2. emelet 261. terem;
Online közvetítés (Zoom alkalmazás)
A Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal egymásra épülő ösztöndíjprogramjai és pályázati konstrukciói a tudományos életpálya minden szakaszában támogatják a kutatói kiválóságot. Folyamatosan dolgozunk azon, hogy ezek a támogatások a lehető legjobban segítsék a kutatói utánpótlást, és hatékonyan ösztönözzék a kutatók különböző generációit.