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European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
26 April 2021
Modified: 28 August 2024
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EMBLInterstate European research organisation dealing with life sciences.

Its research performance is second to none among European institutions involved in genetics and molecular biology.

In addition to high-quality molecular and cell biology facilities, it operates strategically crucial infrastructure in the fields of bioinformatics and structural biology.

As a leading integrator of European life sciences research it takes part in seven research infrastructure projects in biology and medical science in the EU.

Short name of research infrastructure EMBL
Name European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Official website
Year of foundation 1974
ESFRI project/landmark Not related to ESFRI
Headquarters Heidelberg, Germany
Number of member countries 27
Participating countries Members: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
Associate members: Australia
Hungary’s accession 2017
Partner institutions in Hungary Biological Research Centre in Szeged
University of Debrecen,
Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Institute of Enzymology
Public administration representative Dr. Elemér Szabó
National Research, Development and Innovation Office
Department for Researcher Excellence
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
Phone: +36 1 896 1377
Professional representative József Mihály
SZBK Institute of Genetics
Membership payments 2018: EUR 389,360 (≈ HUF 122.7 million)
2019: EUR 458,922 (≈ HUF 160.6 million)
2020: EUR 709,704 (≈ HUF 253 million)
2021: 717 300 EUR (≈ HUF 255,8 million)
2022: 815 019 EUR (≈ HUF 309,7 million)

Benefits of the membership for Hungary

  • Opportunities for Hungarian researchers to take part in leading life sciences research projects.
  • Access for Hungarian researchers to the most advanced research infrastructures and services.
  • Training and further training opportunities in the framework of the EMBL international doctoral and postdoctoral programmes.
Updated: 28 August 2024
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