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The International Organisation for Research Information (euroCRIS)
28 April 2021
Modified: 28 April 2021
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euroCRIS logoA non-profit organisation established to support the development of quality RDI information systems (Current Research Information System, CRIS).

Its most important product is the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF), developed with the support of the European Union and used as a quasi-standard data model.

Its use is officially recommended for EU Member States.

CERIF is a model for the formal description of RDI information (data on persons, projects, organisations, publications, patents, products, funding etc., and the connections between such data), which enables the development and cooperation of information technology systems in the field of RDI.

Short name euroCRIS
Name The International Organisation for Research Information
Official website
Year of foundation 2002
Number of member countries Institutions in 44 countries
Hungary’s accession 2012
Public administration representative
Professional representative Gábor Péter Vass
National Research, Development and Innovation Office
Department of Finance
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
Phone: +36 1 896 3770
Membership payments 2015: EUR 300 (≈ 93 thousand)
2016: EUR 300 (≈ 93 thousand)
2017: EUR 300 (≈ 93 thousand)
2018: EUR 300 (≈ 93 thousand)
2020: EUR 300 (≈ 0.2 million)

Benefits of the membership for Hungary

The NRDI Office has been a euroCRIS member since 2012. The main mission of the organisation is to develop, maintain and disseminate the model of a single European research register, which is used by the NRDI Office in its specialised registers.

Updated: 28 April 2021
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