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European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
13 February 2003
Modified: 31 October 2023
Reading time: 2 minute(s)

COSTThe aim is to harmonise nationally-funded basic research in science and technology at a European level

Short name COST
Name European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Official website
Year of foundation 1971
Number of member countries 38
Participating countries EU-28, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Iceland, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey
Hungary’s accession 1991
Public administration representative

Representation, COST Secretariat
Orsolya Tóth

COST CSO Hungarian representative, COST national coordinator
National Research, Development and Innovation Office
Department of International Affairs
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
Phone: +36 1 896 3744

Summary of professional cooperation/programme

  • Supported by the European Commission under the H2020 programme
  • Actions coordinating the research activity of national research institutions, universities and industrial businesses
  • Action objectives are determined by the researchers themselves through grassroots initiatives
  • The main criterion is scientific excellence
  • Hungarian participation in COST actions

Benefits of the membership for Hungary

  • Good opportunity for young researchers to join the international scientific community
  • Access to the latest research findings: the findings of common research projects are generally freely accessible for participating countries
  • In 2022 COST actions involved 398 Hungarian researchers (youth participation rate: 50%); Hungarians participated in 75% of the running actions; Hungary received EUR 414,371 from the budget.
  • Hungarian researchers typically received funding in the following fields: IT, transport, telecommunications, materials science, environmental protection, forestry and forest products, agricultural science and biotechnology, food technology, social sciences, medical research, general engineering, chemistry, meteorology, physics.

Joining COST actions

To join a COST action, send a completed and signed copy of the following statement to the COST National Coordinator.


Please contact the Action Chair for consultation before sending the statement to the COST National Coordinator.


COST provides funding for travel costs to Management Committee meetings, for participation at workshops and action-related conferences, for short-term scientific missions (STSM), and for dissemination activities related to action results. The research costs of COST actions are covered by the participants from own institutional sources; no central budget is earmarked for research funding.

According to the current rules of COST cooperation, researchers from COST member countries contributing to the budget of the framework programme (including Hungarian researchers) may request subsequent reimbursement of their costs incurred in connection with their participation in Management Committee and working group meetings.

Updated: 31 October 2023
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