What is the aim of the Solutions for Carbon-Neutral Cities call?
This call for proposals invites Japan and Europe-based researchers to develop new solutions to improve the sustainability of urban environments. As articulated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by 2030, achieving a climate-neutral society entails reducing the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by making improvements to air and water quality and waste management practices.
In this transition, climate resilient cities are the laboratories for transformative and sustainable solutions and transformational carbon-neutral solutions. For the transition to be inclusive and effective, it requires active involvement and cooperation among the various stakeholders living and working in cities. The transition to a climate-neutral society also presents opportunities for the development and deployment of new technologies and innovative solutions.
We welcome not only single-discipline research, but also research taking inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, which incorporate not only natural and social sciences, but also the involvement of key stakeholders, such as practitioners, industry and other individuals and groups of the general public relevant to the research.
More information on the thematic area can be found in the call text available below.
What is EIG CONCERT-Japan?
The European Interest Group (EIG) CONCERT-Japan is an international joint initiative to support and enhance science, technology and innovation (STI) cooperation between European countries and Japan. EIG CONCERT-Japan is flexible and inclusive in nature, and can accommodate a range of forms of collaboration, from unanimous concerted efforts to optional participation among its core members and other interested STI institutions.
The primary function of the EIG CONCERT-Japan is to implement multilateral joint funding collaboratively, with the objective of enhancing cooperation and promoting transnational mobility between European countries and Japan in various fields of STI.
Which countries and institutions are participating?
The following national and regional funding organisations have agreed to participate in this joint call, leveraging their national and regional R&D programmes and applying their respective funding regulations:
- Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)
- Czech Republic: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS)
- Czech Republic: Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)
- France: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Hungary: National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH)
- Japan: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
- Poland: National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
- Slovakia: Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS)
- Türkiye: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBITAK)
How should project consortia be composed?
Each project consortium submitting an application should consist of at least 3 eligible beneficiaries (project partners), 1 from Japan and 2 from two different European countries participating in the Joint Call.
Partner Search Tool
In order to facilitate the process of forming research consortia, we offer applicants a Partner Search Tool – Partfinder available here: https://partfinder.ncbr.gov.pl/. This tool can be used by projects looking for partners and partners looking for projects.
Can researchers from other European institutions participate?
Researchers and research teams from other European institutions may participate as additional partners in a project consortium if they can prove that they have secured funding from other sources that allows them to fulfil their obligations within the consortium. A confirmation letter of the external sponsoring institution has to be submitted at the time of proposal submission.
What if I have questions?
If you have questions, please contact the EIG Concert-Japan Program Secretariat, Ms. Lea Debraux, at concert-japan-jcs@cnrs.fr, or the National and Regional Contact Person for your country or region.
Hungarian contact: Dr. Györgyi Juhász - gyorgyi.juhasz@nkfih.gov.hu
More information: https://concert-japan.eu/spip.php?article98
Hungarian contact:
Dr. Györgyi Juhász
Email: gyorgyi.juhasz@nkfih.gov.hu
To ensure value-based professional evaluation of proposals arriving in large quantities from the fields of discovery and applied research and innovation, to assess professional reports of funded projects and to prepare policy opinions, the NRDI Office intends to expand its expert pool in all fields of expertise.
Professionals who have registered in the database of the NRDI Office can become responsible contributors, as independent peer-reviewers, to the evaluation process in which the professional quality, novelty content and commercialisation perspectives of the proposals as compared to the requested funding should be assessed as core considerations.
The registration process can be initiated through the registration form of the NRDI Office’s website. Registration is continuously open.
Requested data within the expert registration form include:
- personal data, contact details (necessary for contracting review assignments);
- classification of professional skills and competencies and research areas (to get review invitations fine-tuned to your field of expertise);
- topics of the previously reviewed proposals;
- present and past jobs, interest networks (in order to pre-screening of conflicts of interest in a given rview assignment), education, scientific titles, most important publications and intellectual works demonstrating your professional experience;
- language skills.
Professionals once registered in the database of experts may be invited by the NRDI Office to review submitted proposals, to assess professional reports of funded projects and to contribute to policy opinions.
Each proposal is reviewed by several independent experts at the same time. Experts selected from the database to review proposals, to assess professional reports and facilitate expert opinions will be contracted by the NRDI Office on a case-by-case basis. When concluding such a contract experts must declare that the review assignment is not obstructed by any conflict of interest whatsoever. Depending on the competition type, written expert reviews must be prepared in 15-28 work days and submitted electronically via the online review portal of the NRDI Office.
For further information contact at phone +36 1 795 9500 or email at szakerto_regisztracio@nkfih.gov.hu
The NRDI Fund’s Programme Strategy 2024 supports the implementation of the John von Neumann Programme, which focuses on connecting universities, research institutions and the economy. The priority objective of the Programme Strategy 2024 is to contribute to improving the Hungarian performance in the areas of human resources (number of researchers, number of PhD students, number of STEM students in higher education), number and share of innovator enterprises (number and share of SMEs implementing product and/or process innovation) and intellectual property (IP) (patents, trademarks, designs).
The table below shows the calls planned and launched under the NRDI Fund for the period 2021-2024 and their amounts, broken down by year.
2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |||||
NRDI budget (Bn HUF) |
189,844 | 89,838 | 63,779 | 176,263* | ||||
Name of the scheme/ Call for proposal (2021) |
Budget (Bn HUF) |
Name of the scheme/ Call for proposal (2022) |
Budget (Bn HUF) |
Name of the scheme/ Call for proposal (2023) |
Budget (Bn HUF) |
Name of the scheme/ Call for proposal (2024) |
Budget (Bn HUF) |
Innovation Sub-fund 2021-2024 |
Support for market-driven RDI projects Support for market-driven RDI projects 2020-1.1.2-PIACI KFI |
59,06 | Support for Innovation Projects in Focus Areas Support for Innovation Projects in Focus Areas 2023-1.1.1-PIACI_FÓKUSZ |
30,149 | SME Focal Area Innovation Programme SME Focal Area Innovation Programme 2024-1.1.1-KKV_FÓKUSZ |
50,00 | ||
Fast track programme Fast track 2020-1.1.5-GYORSÍTÓSÁV |
3,00 | Fast track programme Fast track 2021-1.1.4-GYORSÍTÓSÁV |
12,85 | Fast track programme Fast Track 2023-1.1.2-GYORSÍTÓSÁV |
2,00 | Spin-off Programme: bringing research results to market Fast track 2023-1.1.2-GYORSÍTÓSÁV |
7,00 | |
Intellectual property Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property 2020-1.1.3-IPARJOG, 2021-1.1.1-IPARJOG |
0,40 | Intellectual property Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property 2020-1.1.3-IPARJOG, 2021-1.1.1-IPARJOG |
0,40 | Intellectual property Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property 2020-1.1.3-IPARJOG, 2021-1.1.1-IPARJOG |
0,50 | Industrial property tender Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property 2020-1.1.3-IPARJOG, 2021-1.1.1-IPARJOG |
0,50 | |
International programmes Support for participation in the ECSEL joint EU initiative 2019-2.1.3-NEMZ_ECSEL; Support for participation in joint EU initiatives 2019-2.1.2-NEMZ; Funding for Hungarian Summer Internship programmes for hungarian university students studying in the UK, Germany or Austria 2020-1.2.1-GYAK; Support for Hungarian participation in EIT KIC 2021-1.2.1-EIT-KIC; Support to bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperations 2021-1.2.4-TÉT; Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Russian cooperation 2021-1.2.5-TÉT-IPARI-RU; Call for proposals: Support of Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international ERA-NET COFUND and EJP COFUND programmes 2019-2.1.7-ERA-NET; Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme 2020-1.2.3-EUREKA; Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call 2021-1.2.2-EU_KKV; Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union 2021-1.2.3-EU_KP; Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures 2021-4.1.2-NEMZ_KI; Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Moroccan cooperation 2021-1.2.6-TÉT-IPARI-MA |
3,50 | International programmes Call for proposals: Support of Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international ERA-NET COFUND and EJP COFUND programmes 2019-2.1.7-ERA-NET; Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme 2022-1.2.4-EUREKA; Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call 2021-1.2.2-EU_KKV; Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union 2021-1.2.3-EU_KP; Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures 2021-4.1.2-NEMZ_KI; Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian-Turkish cooperation 2022-1.2.6-TÉT-IPARI-TR; Support for summer internships for Hungarian students studying abroad 2022-1.2.3-GYAK; Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Uzbek cooperation 2022-1.2.2-TÉT-IPARI-UZ; Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Korean cooperation 2022-1.2.5-TÉT-IPARI-KR |
6,00 | International programmes Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union 2021-1.2.3-EU_KP; Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures 2021-4.1.2-NEMZ_KI; Support to bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperations; Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme 2022-1.2.4-EUREKA; Support for participation in the Horizon Europe Key Digital Technologies (KDT) partnership 2022-1.2.8-KDT; EUROSTARS: Support for Hungarian participation in the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs 2022-1.2.7-EUROSTARS; Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international calls for proposals of ERA-NET COFUND, EJPCOFUND and other multilateral programmes 2023-1.2.1-ERA-NET; Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in the joint international calls for proposals of European Partnerships in Horizon Europe 2023-1.2.2-HE_PARTNERSÉG; Call for project proposals implemented in bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperation 2023-1.2.4-TÉT |
6,10 | International programmes HU-rizon Programme 2024-1.2.3-HU-RIZONT; Call for project proposals implemented in bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperation 2024-1.2.5-TÉT; Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international calls for proposals of ERA-NET COFUND, EJP COFUND and other multilateral programmes 2024-1.2.2-ERA_NET; Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in the joint international calls for proposals of European Partnerships in Horizon Europe 2024-1.2.1-HE_PARTNERSÉG; Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme 2024-1.2.6-EUREKA; Support for participation in the Horizon Europe Key Digital Technologies (KDT) partnership 2024-1.2.4-KDT; EUROSTARS: Support for Hungarian participation in the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs (2024-1.2.7-EUROSTARS); Support for Hungarian participation in the research and development programme in Hungarian–Israeli cooperation (2024-1.2.10-TÉT-IPARI-IL); Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union 2021-1.2.3-EU_KP; Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call (EU_KKV); Support for active participation in international professional organisations for researchers and research managers (Networking+); Booster call for the Teaming of Excellence 2025 call; International cooperation in preparation. |
17,155 | |
Announced under international programmes. (Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures 2021-4.1.2-NEMZ_KI) |
Announced under international programmes. | Announced under international programmes. | Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures 2021-4.1.2-NEMZ_KI; |
0,10 | ||||
Large Company Focus Area Innovation Programme (Call for proposal will be announced later) |
15,00 | |||||||
Innovation Venture Capital Programme (Call for proposal will be announced later) |
9,50 | |||||||
Development of applied research and innovation services (Call for proposal will be announced later) |
2,50 | |||||||
Investment in the future Fund Investment in the future 2020-1.1.6-JÖVŐ |
7,00 | |||||||
Development of an applied research network Participation in the National Network of Applied Research Institutes 2021-1.1.2-AKH |
1,63 | |||||||
University Innovation Ecosystema University Innovation Ecosystema 2019-1.2.1-EGYETEMI ÖKO |
2,46 | |||||||
KKV Start programme KKV Start Innovation 2020-1.1.1-KKV START |
12,00 | |||||||
Centres of excellence Establishing and developing centres of excellence 2022-1.1.1-KK |
20,60 | |||||||
Startup Programme Startup Programme 2022-1.1.2-STARTUP |
4,06 | |||||||
Incubator Support Scheme STARTUP FACTORY 2023 2023-1.1.3-STARTUP |
5,75 | |||||||
Research Sub-fund 2021-2024 |
Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA") Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA") PD_21, FK_21, K_21, ANN_21, SNN_21 |
12,90 | Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA") Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA") PD_22, FK_22, K_22, ANN_22, SNN_22 |
13,50 | Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA") Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA") PD_23, FK_23, K_23, SNN_23 |
13,50 | Excellence-based research funding Call for EXCELLENCE research proposals EXCELLENCE_24 Call for ADVANCED research proposals ADVANCED_24 Call for STARTING research proposals STARTING_24 Call for proposals for research projects based on Hungarian-Austrian and Hungarian-Slovenian cooperation ANN_24, SNN_24 |
19,00 |
Forefront – Research Excellence Programme Forefront – Research Excellence Programme KKP_21 |
3,00 | Forefront – Research Excellence Programme Forefront – Research Excellence Programme KKP_22 |
3,00 | |||||
New National Excellence Programme ÚNKP-21-1, ÚNKP-21-2, ÚNKP-21-3, ÚNKP-21-4, ÚNKP-21-5, ÚNKP-21-6 |
4,00 | New National Excellence Programme ÚNKP-22-1, ÚNKP-22-2, ÚNKP-22-3, ÚNKP-22-4, ÚNKP-22-5, ÚNKP-22-6 |
0,828 | New National Excellence Programme ÚNKP-23-1, ÚNKP-23-2, ÚNKP-23-3, ÚNKP-23-4, ÚNKP-23-5, ÚNKP-23-6 |
0,710 | University Research Scholarship Programme (scholarships announced by higher education institutions) |
10,00 | |
Cooperative Doctoral Programme Cooperative Doctoral Programme KDP-2021 |
4,894 | Cooperative Doctoral Programme Cooperative Doctoral Programme KDP-2023 |
5,070 | |||||
Patronage Programme Science Patronage Programme MEC_21 |
1,00 | Science Patronage Programme Science Patronage Programme MEC_24 |
2,46 | |||||
Research Grant Hungary Research Grant Hungary RGH_S_24, RGH_L_24 |
6,00 | |||||||
Pension - matching fund (Call for proposal will be announced later) |
0,244 | |||||||
Own contribution - matching fund (Call for proposal will be announced later) |
0,264 | |||||||
Proof of Concept: development potential assessment (Call for proposal will be announced later) |
3,00 | |||||||
Thematic Excellence Programme (National-Health-Defence) Thematic Excellence Programme 2021 TKP2021 (The budget includes the HUF 1 billion budget of the National Defence Subprogramme of the Cooperative Doctoral Programme (NDPCP-2021), which is closely linked to the National Defence, National Security Subprogramme of the 2021 Thematic Excellence Programme.) |
75,00 | |||||||
Building the Selye János Student Lab network Building the Selye János Student Lab network 2022-3.1.1-DIÁKLABOR |
2,00 | |||||||
National Laboratories Sub-fund 2022 |
National Laboratories Establishment and complex development of the National Laboratories 2022-2.1.1-NL |
26,60 |
* The total budget of the 2024 Programme Strategy.