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Dr. Ibolya Zsoldos
05 July 2023
Modified: 05 July 2023
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Member of the National Science Policy Council
Mathematician-Engineer, Professor, Széchenyi István University

Dr. Zsoldos IbolyaShe graduated from the Technical University of Budapest with a degree in Engineering for Mathematics (1983) and in Computer Electronic Design (1987). She worked as a development engineer at the Power Plant Repair and Maintenance Company (1983-94). She received her PhD degree from Szent István University in 2000, where she was a researcher and lecturer for 15 years (1995-2010). Head of the Department of Materials Science and Technology at Széchenyi István University from 2010 to 2022. Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2011. Member of the Committee on Materials Science and Technology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

She was instrumental in introducing the industrial applications of computed tomography and in developing its methodology.

Her main research interests are: random systems, simulations of graphene structures and the study of their self-organizing behaviour, energy calculations of nanotechnological grinding mills. Most of her internationally recognised achievements are in these fields: 1 patent, 70 journal articles, a few hundred references (detailed in MTMT). She is the supervisor of several PhD students. She has played a leading role in helping her university department to develop successful research project proposals and win Hungarian and EU funding.

She was a recipient of the Békésy György Scholarship in 2001 and the Széchenyi István Scholarship in 2002. She won the Gábor Dénes Prize in 2021. In 2006, she worked as a visiting researcher at the Biocomplexity Institute, Indiana University (Bloomington, USA).

She is a member of the Materials Science and Technology Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Bolyai College of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Multidisciplinary Doctoral School of the University of Győr, the Doctoral Council of the Habilitation Committee, the Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and the Hungarian Materials Science Association.

Updated: 05 July 2023
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