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Budapest Runway - The Startup Credo
Budapest Runway - The Startup Credo
18 November 2013
Modified: 15 May 2018
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
The BudapestHUB working group has set a target to make Budapest the region's startup capital by the end of this decade; the State’s responsibility is to act as a catalyst and clear all obstacles along the way.

According to this Working Group, Budapest needs to build-up a critical mass of start-ups, find its comparative advantages and rely on local characteristics in order to become the Start-Up Hub of Central and Eastern Europe.

The English version of the credo prepared by the working group can be downloaded from here: Budapest Runway - The Startup Credo PDF (1 125 KB)

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Published by State Secretariat for Parliamentary and Strategic Affairs of the Ministry for National Economy

Participants of the BudapestHUB working group: Péter Árvai (Prezi Inc.), László Bacsa (Demola-Budapest), Zsolt Bakó (Colabs Startup Center Plc.), Botond Bognár (Singularity University), Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy (Design Terminal Forum Hungaricum Nonprofit Ltd.), Zoltán Bruckner (Primus Capital Venture Capital Fund Plc.), Zoltán Cséfalvay (Ministry for National Economy), Attila Dobos (BME-Infokom Innovator Nonprofit Ltd.), András Gereben (Equilor Investments Plc.), Viktor Gerő (Conor Seed Capital Fund - Central Fund Group), György Herczku (KBC Securities Hungarian Branch Office), Imre Hild (iCatapult Technological and Business Development Plc.), Zoltán Horváth (Lóránd Eötvös University), Márton Juhász (Gyroseat), Péter Kádas (Traction Labs. Plc.), László Korányi (National Innovation Office), Patrik Kovács (Young Entrepreneurs Association Hungary), Gábor Major (ICT Association of Hungary), Zsolt Makra (Ayudate Holding Ltd., Alliance Jura-Hongrie Venture Capital Fund Plc.), Barnabás Málnay (Mobility and Multimedia Cluster, AVEC Accelerator Program), Csaba Miskolczy (Hungarian Association for Innovation, Department for Startups;Startup Underground), Miklós Nagy (MediKlaszter), Péter Nagy (Colabs Startup Center Plc.), Antal Nikodémus (Ministry for National Economy), György Simó (Day One Capital), István Száraz (We love Budapest), Péter Szegvári (Mayor’s Office of Budapest), Márton Szőke (private investor), Tamás Péter Turcsán (Startup Hungary Group / Smartup Communications Ltd.), László Vajta (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics), Szabolcs Valner (Digital Factory Plc.), Priszcilla Várnagy (Be-novative), Péter Vityi (ICT Association of Hungary), Péter Záboji (European Entrepreneurship Foundation).

Updated: 15 May 2018
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