You are here: For the applicantsFunding schemesCalls to foster RDIArchived callsCall for proposals for research teams with significant achievements of internationally outstanding impact (KH_17)
Call for proposals for research teams with significant achievements of internationally outstanding impact (KH_17)
Date of announcement: 07 february 2017
Next deadline for submission:
Deadline for E-submission: 31 august 2017
31 august 2017
Deadline for application via post office: 07 09 2017, 24:00
Submitter of proposal
Budgetary institution, Non-profit organisation
Beneficiary groups
Institution of higher education, Institution of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS/MTA), Other budgetary research institution, Non-profit research organisation
HUF 1 000 000 000
Number of applications
50 pcs
Funds available per project
HUF 20 Mn
Project duration
24 months
Field of research activity
Fundamental research
Evaluator of proposals
NRDI Office
Date of publication of the call: 7 February 2017
Deadline for submission: 31 August 2017

The call aims to help domestic research groups with excellent, internationally acclaimed scientific achievements to produce further results which significantly contribute to the development of their scientific field and lay the groundwork for further research by implementing their project in a Hungarian host institution and by presenting such results in scientific fora ensuring the greatest possible visibility.

The call is open to researchers and research groups with a research facility in Hungary whose scientific achievements have significant international impact, i.e. who have at least one excellent publication published after 1 January 2014 achieving an international citation index accounting for the top 5 percent in the given field of science within two years from the date of publication.

In order to strengthen the international visibility and reputation of Hungarian science, the NRDI Office announced this call to encourage individual researchers and research groups to strive for scientific results which are outstanding even by international standards, highly acclaimed by the scientific community and can be used by others as starting points for further research projects. The call intends to offer an opportunity for researchers who have no publications in the top impact factor journals but demonstrate a citation index that implies excellent publication performance with internationally outstanding impact.

The call is financed from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund.

Submission of project proposals

Applications can be submitted electronically through the Online Application Portal of the NRDI Office by 31 August 2017. In the first stage only those proposals will be accepted that are submitted electronically by 9 March 2017 17:00 CET (postmarking deadline for submissions via regular mail: 16 March 2017). In the second stage only those proposals will be accepted that are submitted electronically by 31 August 2017 17:00 CET (postmarking deadline for submissions via regular mail: 7 September 2017). Proposals may not be submitted only electronically or in person. Proposals have to be submitted in Hungarian irrespective of the given field of science (however, certain parts of the proposal, namely the summary and the work plan, shall also be drawn up in English).

Who can apply

Researchers (principal investigators) with Hungarian or foreign nationality have to apply jointly with the host institution which has to be

  • a higher education institution, research centre, research institution, budgetary organ, or an institution thereof having legal personality if it qualifies as a research organisation;
  • a business company having at least one full financial year closed, applying double-entry bookkeeping, not belonging to the scope of simplified entrepreneurial tax (EVA) (only non-profit activities are eligible for funding);
  • a non-profit organisation pursuing research and development as core activity.

Throughout the entire implementation period, the principal investigator shall be employed full-time by the host institution under an employment contract, civil service contract or other work-related legal relationship.

Further requirements for principal investigators

The researcher who submits the project proposal has to be the first, last or corresponding author of the excellent publication on which the proposal is based. The members of a research group may only submit one project proposal.

At the time of application the principal investigator shall hold a doctoral (PhD/DLA) degree or a certificate issued by the university doctoral council, and has to be affiliated to a Hungarian host institution.

One researcher may only participate in one KH project proposal as principal investigator and may only assume principal investigator position in maximum two projects funded by the NRDI Office under any other of the research funding schemes (FK, K, NK, NF or NN types) at a time. The principal investigator and the research group of a project funded under the KH_17 scheme may not receive further funding under the KH scheme for 24 months following the start of the funded project.

Eligible objectives and activities

The discovery research activities indicated in the research and work plan, and the actions required to implement the project plan submitted to the NRDI Office are eligible and not bound by any thematic priority or restricted to any field of science, if otherwise the application meets the conditions laid down in the call.

Available budget

In order to achieve the objectives of the call the NRDI Office has earmarked a total budget of HUF 1 billion from the NRDI Fund for the 2017–2020 period in line with the Act on the Central Budget and with regard to the programme strategy of the NRDI Fund. From this amount HUF 0.5 billion can be disbursed in 2017 depending on the programme strategy for 2017.

Available funds

Up to HUF 20 million in non-refundable funding per project. Maximum funding intensity is 100%.

Duration of the project

The mandatory duration of projects is 24 months. Projects shall start between 1 July 2017 and 1 December 2017 (projects awarded in the second stage may not start earlier than 1 November 2017).

Customer service contacts:
phone: +36 (1) 795 9500

Personal appointments (pree-booked only): H-1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna sq. 1. (2nd floor)

Customer Service hours of operation: Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m to 4 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m. to 12.00 a.m.

Winners of the call “Funding for research teams with significant achievements of internationally outstanding impact” (KH_17), 2nd round

Recognising the international visibility of scientific performance, measured by innovation scoreboards, university rankings and the citation index of scientific publications, is gaining importance worldwide.

With the excellence programme titled “Funding for research teams with significant achievements of internationally outstanding impact” (KH_17), having a total budget of HUF 1 billion, the NRDI Office urges domestic research groups to achieve new results which greatly advance their field of science and lay the groundwork for further research, and to present them in the most visible international scientific fora. The call is open to researchers whose publication achieved an international citation index accounting for the top 5 percent in the given field of science within two years from the date of publication.

In the second assessment round of the KF_17 call, 30 out of the 33 proposals met the formal requirements. The decision preparation body has recommended 25 proposals for funding and 5 proposals to be rejected due to lack of funds to the President of the NRDI Office.

The call is planned to be announced again next year, where the proposals rejected due to lack of funds can be resubmitted.


Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 15 November 2017

Principal investigator
Proposal title
Research institution
FTE (total)
Support awarded (Ft)
Date of excellent publication
Title of excellent publication
Zoltán Novák
Development of Novel Synthetic Methods Based on Borate and Fluoroalkyl Motifs
Eötvös Loránd University (Institute of Chemistry)
19 826 000
July 28, 2014
Efficient Copper-Catalyzed Trifluoromethylation of Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Iodides: The Beneficial Anchoring Effect of Borates
Vince Grolmusz
Mathematical analysis of biological graphs
Eötvös Loránd University (Department of Computer Science)
20 000 000
June - August 2015
A Note on the PageRank of Undirected Graphs
Orsolya Emőke Deák-Valkó
Seed banks and community assembly in grassland dynamics
University of Debrecen (Department of Ecology)
18 275 000
January 1, 2014
Environmental factors driving vegetation and seed bank diversity in alkali grasslands
Béla Tóthmérész
Linking biodiversity with ecosystems functions and services
University of Debrecen (Department of Ecology)
19 502 000
January 1, 2014
Soil extracellular enzyme activities are sensitive indicators of detrital inputs and carbon availability
Zsolt Kotroczó
The effects of quantitative and qualitative changes of soil organic matter on degrading soil biology processes and nutrient turnover
Szent István University (Department of Soil Science and Water Management)
20 000 000
March 2014
Soil enzyme activity in response to long-term organic matter manipulation
Edina Kundrát-Simon
Functionality of urban ecosystem: ecology, urban green area and air quality
University of Debrecen (Department of Ecology)
19 912 000
May 7, 2014
Elemental concentrations in deposited dust on leaves along an urbanization gradient
Sándor Nagy
Quantum renormalization group
University of Debrecen (Department of Theoretical Physics)
6 606 000
November 2014
Lectures on renormalization and asymptotic safety
Tamás Szabó
Improvement of the selective layer of composite membranes by graphene oxide
University of Szeged (Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science)
19 992 000
January 7, 2014
The structure of graphene oxide membranes in liquid water,ethanol and water-ethanol mixtures 
Péter Németh
Tracing peculiar diamond nanostructures
Research Center of Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry)
19 948 000
November 20, 2014
Lonsdaleite is faulted and twinned cubic diamond and does not exist as a discrete material
Miklós Rásonyi
Stationary processes in financial mathematics
Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, HAS
19 961 000
April 2015
Fragility of arbitrage and bubbles in local martingale diffusion models
András László Majdik
Robot localiyation using visual infromation
Computer and Automation Research Institute  HAS
19 099 000
October 2015
Air‐ground Matching: Appearance‐based GPS‐denied Urban Localization of Micro Aerial Vehicles
Tamás Turányi
Analysis and comparison of natural gas combustion reaction mechanisms
Eötvös Loránd University (Institute of Chemistry)
19 996 000
September 2014
Comparison of the performance of several recenthydrogen combustion mechanisms 
Krisztián Bányai
Rotavirus interferon antagonism
Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Institute for Veterinary Medical Research)
19 984 000
April 2015
Candidate new rotavirus species in sheltered dogs, Hungary
Gábor Czédli
Problems motivated by lattice theory and geometry and, in addition, special lattices
University of Szeged (Bolyai Institute)
11 595 000
October 2014
Patch extensions and trajectory colorings of slimrectangular lattices
Andrea Manno-Kovács
Multimodal feature fusion for establishing novel 3D saliency models
Computer and Automation Research Institute  HAS
19 252 000
October 2015
Orientation-selective building detection in aerial images
Csaba Bödör
Liquid biopsy based identification and monitoring of novel therapeutic targets in B-cell lymphomas
Semmelweis University (Dept. of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research)
19 320 000
February 2014
Integrated genomic analysis identifies recurrent mutations and evolution patterns driving the initiation and progression of follicular lymphoma
László Pásztor
Elaboration of spatial predictions together with modelling of their uncertainty for specific functions and processes of soils applying spatial statistical and machine learning methods
Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry)
19 936 000
September 15, 2016
Maps of hevy metals in the soils of the European Union and proposed priority for detailed assessment
Gyula Ostoros
Investigating KRAS status and the efficacy of anti-VEGF treatment in advanced lung adenocarcinoma
Koranyi National Institute for Pulmonology
19 886 000
July 2014
Subtype-specific KRAS mutations in advanced lung adenocarcinoma: A retrospective study of patients treated with palatinum-based chemoherapy
Péter Nagy
Cooperative actions of Trx/GSH systems and the CARS2 system in mediating protein polysulfidation
National Institute of Oncology
19 932 000
January 22, 2016
A novel persulfide detection method reveals protein persulfide- and polysulfide-reducing functions of thioredoxin and glutathione systems.
Pál Maurovich-Horvat
Utility of low dose dynamic perfusion CT using novel iterative image reconstruction algorithm
Semmelweis University
18 912 000
August 11, 2015
The effect of interative model reconstruction on coronary artery calcium quantification
Péter Erdos
Sampling degree sequence realizations (DegreeSampling)
Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics HAS
16 435 000
August 26, 2015
Exact sampling of graphs with prescribed degree correlations
László Acsády
Neural basis of stress induced sleep disturbances
Institute of Experimental Medicine Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Laboratory of Thalamus Research)
20 000 000
December 2014
Convergence of Cortical and Sensory Driver Inputs on Single Thalamocortical Cells
László Nagy
Dissecting the transcriptional network allowing macrophages to control angiogenesis
University of Debrecen (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
20 000 000
July 15, 2014
The active enhancer network operated by liganded RXRsupports angiogenic activity in machrophages
Károly Tőkési
Ultrafast dynamics in intense laser-matter interaction
Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Laboratory of Electronics and Detector Development)
20 000 000
July 19, 2016
Semiclassical two-step model for strong-field ionization
Róbert Horváth
Bacteria on optical biochips: fundamentals and model systems
MTA Centre for Energy Research (Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science)
19 972 000
February 7, 2014
Dependence of cancer cell adhesion kinetics on integrin ligand surface density measured by a high-throughput label-free resonant waveguide grating biosensor

Updated: 03 May 2018
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Funding for research groups with internationally outstanding high impact results (KH_17) Round 1

Recognising the international visibility of scientific results is gaining importance worldwide. It is measured by innovation scoreboards, university rankings and the citation index of scientific publications..

By announcing the excellence programme titled “Funding for research groups with internationally outstanding high impact results” (KH_17), having a total budget of HUF 1 billion, the NRDI Office incentivises domestic research groups to achieve new results which greatly advance their field of science and lay the groundwork for further research, and to present them in the most visible international scientific forums

The KH_17 call was designed to provide funding to 50 eligible research groups but only 30 applicants entered the competition and only 27 of them met the strict requirement to have an internationally significant publication achieving a citation index that belong to the top 5% of their scientific field within two years following publication. This call was also dominated by the Eötvös Loránd University with 7 funded projects. The ranking by scientific field is led by physics and neuroscience with 4-4 funded projects.

Of the proposals submitted for the KH_17 call, accepting the recommendation of the decision preparation bodies, the President of the NRDI Office selected 27 project proposals for funding as follows:

Number of submitted proposals

Number of funded projects

Total amount claimed
(in HUF thousands)

Total amount awarded
(in HUF thousands)

582 842
529 972

The unused budget remains available forfurther project proposals until 31 August 2017.

At an open forum in February 2017 the President of the NRDI Office summarised the lessons drawn from the assessment process of discovery research calls with the aim of preparing next year’s call, helping applicants to get prepared and upgrading the assessment process. Review of Competitive RDI Calls – programmes fostering discovery research (1 February 2017)


Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 10 July 2017

Evaluation panel
Project code
Principal investigator/Project title/Research organisation
Project period

Amount of awarded funds
(in HUF thousands)

Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Szalay Péter: Biológiai makromolekulák leírásához használt QM/MM és fragmens alapú módszerek kvantumkémiai összetevőire vonatkozó referenciaszámítások elvégzése (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
19 998
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Gulyás Attila: Hogyan modulálja a bazális előagyból eredő kevert kolinerg-GABAerg pálya a neocortex eltérő területeinek aktivitását? (MTA Kísérleti Orvostudományi Kutatóintézet)
19 794
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Pál Magda: Poliaminok szerepének vizsgálata a növényi hormonokkal való kapcsolatrendszerének függvényében (MTA Agrártudományi Kutatóközpont)
18 884
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Nagy Zsombor Kristóf: Nanoszálgyártási technológiák és új, nanoszál alapú gyógyszerkészítmények fejlesztése (Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem)
19 989
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Tóth Brigitta: 3D talaj-vízgazdálkodási térképkészítés új módszertanának kidolgozása és alkalmazásának tesztelése a Balaton vízgyűjtőjén (MTA Agrártudományi Kutatóközpont)
19 292
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Katona István: A DGL-alfa enzim szerepe hippokampális GABAerg neurotranszmisszió szabályozásában (MTA Kísérleti Orvostudományi Kutatóintézet)
19 980
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Garab Győző: A reakciócentrum-komplex konformációváltozásai a második fotokémiai rendszerben:  kimutatásuk, mechanizmusuk és funkcionális jelentőségük (MTA Szegedi Biológiai Kutatóközpont)
19 966
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Pál Károly Ferenc: Eszközfüggetlen kvantumprotokollok nem desztillálható kvantumrendszerek tesztelésére (MTA Atommagkutató Intézet)
19 995
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Takáts Szabolcs: Kis GTPázok és kölcsönható partnereik szerepe a lizoszomális lebontó útvonalak szabályozásában (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
20 000
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Vattay Gábor: Szocio-ökonómiai adatok skálázás a városméret függvényében (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
19 972
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Hangya Balázs: A bazális előagy kolinerg és GABAerg sejtjeinek szerepe egészséges és kóros öregedési folyamatokban (MTA Kísérleti Orvostudományi Kutatóintézet)
19 994
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Ispánovity Péter Dusán: Diszlokációlavinák kísérleti és elméleti vizsgálata (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
19 979
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Andics Attila: Összehasonlító hallási fMRI vizsgálatok törpemalacon: egy új modellfaj bevezetése a kognitív neuroetológiába (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
20 000
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Tory Kálmán: Az NPHS2 interallelikus interakcióinak vizsgálata in vivo (Semmelweis Egyetem)
19 968
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Pozsgai Balázs Sándor: Spinláncok nemegyensúlyi dinamikája (MTA Támogatott Kutatócsoportok Irodája)
19 896
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Ferdinandy Péter: Gyógyszertámadáspontok azonosítása iszkémiás szívbetegségben és komorbiditásaiban transzkriptomikai adatok bioinformatikai predikciójával és a támadáspontok kísérletes validálásával (Semmelweis Egyetem)
19 670
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Kele Sándor: Paleohőmérsékleti rekonstrukció édesvízi karbonátok stabil- és clumped izotóp geokémiai vizsgálata alapján (MTA Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont)
19 400
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Kardos József: Szerkezetvizsgáló módszer fejlesztése a rendezetlen fehérjék szerkezetének és kölcsönhatásainak vizsgálatára (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
19 988
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Tusnády Gábor: Nagy áteresztő képességű kísérleti módszer fejlesztése transzmembrán fehérjék szerkezetvizsgálatára (MTA Természettudományi Kutatóközpont)
20 000
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Héberger Károly: Hasonlósági és különbözőségi indexekre vonatkozó új fúziós stratégiák (MTA Természettudományi Kutatóközpont)
19 166
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Papp Balázs: Horizontális génátvitel és enzim-promiszkuitás a mikrobiális anyagcserehálózatok evolúciójában (MTA Szegedi Biológiai Kutatóközpont)
19 997
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Röst Gergely: Metapopulációk dinamikája és kontrollja (Szegedi Tudományegyetem)
19 926
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Kocsis Bence: Galaxismagok fekete lyukai (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
20 000
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Hegyi Péter: Heveny hasnyálmirigy-gyulladás a laboratóriumtól a betegágyig (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
19 442
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Benedek Csaba: Változásdetekció és eseményfelismerés képi és Lidar mérések fúziójával (MTA Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutatóintézet)
19 628
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Fekete István Csaba: Klímaváltozás hatása a hazai nedves, mezofil és száraz tölgyesekre és azok talajainak szerves szén raktározó képességére (Szent István Egyetem)
20 000
Kiváló hatású közlemények bizottsága
Csáji Balázs Csanád: Markov döntési folyamatok becslése és közelítő megoldása (MTA Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutatóintézet)
15 048

Updated: 03 May 2018
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To ensure value-based professional evaluation of proposals arriving in large quantities from the fields of discovery and applied research and innovation, to assess professional reports of funded projects and to prepare policy opinions, the NRDI Office intends to expand its expert pool in all fields of expertise.

Professionals who have registered in the database of the NRDI Office can become responsible contributors, as independent peer-reviewers, to the evaluation process in which the professional quality, novelty content and commercialisation perspectives of the proposals as compared to the requested funding should be assessed as core considerations.

The registration process can be initiated through the registration form of the NRDI Office’s website. Registration is continuously open.

Requested data within the expert registration form include:

  • personal data, contact details (necessary for contracting review assignments);
  • classification of professional skills and competencies and research areas (to get review invitations fine-tuned to your field of expertise);
  • topics of the previously reviewed proposals;
  • present and past jobs, interest networks (in order to pre-screening of conflicts of interest in a given rview assignment), education, scientific titles, most important publications and intellectual works demonstrating your professional experience;
  • language skills.

Professionals once registered in the database of experts may be invited by the NRDI Office to review submitted proposals, to assess professional reports of funded projects and to contribute to policy opinions.

Each proposal is reviewed by several independent experts at the same time. Experts selected from the database to review proposals, to assess professional reports and facilitate expert opinions will be contracted by the NRDI Office on a case-by-case basis. When concluding such a contract experts must declare that the review assignment is not obstructed by any conflict of interest whatsoever. Depending on the competition type, written expert reviews must be prepared in 15-28 work days and submitted electronically via the online review portal of the NRDI Office.


For further information contact at phone +36 1 795 9500 or email at

The NRDI Fund’s Programme Strategy 2024 supports the implementation of the John von Neumann Programme, which focuses on connecting universities, research institutions and the economy. The priority objective of the Programme Strategy 2024 is to contribute to improving the Hungarian performance in the areas of human resources (number of researchers, number of PhD students, number of STEM students in higher education), number and share of innovator enterprises (number and share of SMEs implementing product and/or process innovation) and intellectual property (IP) (patents, trademarks, designs).

The table below shows the calls planned and launched under the NRDI Fund for the period 2021-2024 and their amounts, broken down by year.

  2021 2022 2023 2024
NRDI budget
(Bn HUF)
189,844 89,838 63,779 176,263*
  Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)
Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)
Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)
Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)

Support for market-driven RDI projects
Support for market-driven RDI projects
2020-1.1.2-PIACI KFI
59,06     Support for Innovation Projects in Focus Areas
Support for Innovation Projects in Focus Areas
30,149 SME Focal Area Innovation Programme
SME Focal Area Innovation Programme
Fast track programme
Fast track
3,00 Fast track programme
Fast track
12,85 Fast track programme
Fast Track
2,00 Spin-off Programme: bringing research results to market
Fast track
Intellectual property
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
0,40 Intellectual property
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
0,40 Intellectual property
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
0,50 Industrial property tender
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
International programmes
Support for participation in the ECSEL joint EU initiative
Support for participation in joint EU initiatives
Funding for Hungarian Summer Internship programmes for hungarian university students studying in the UK, Germany or Austria
Support for Hungarian participation in EIT KIC
Support to bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperations
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Russian cooperation
Call for proposals: Support of Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international ERA-NET COFUND and EJP COFUND programmes
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Moroccan cooperation
3,50 International programmes
Call for proposals: Support of Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international ERA-NET COFUND and EJP COFUND programmes
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian-Turkish cooperation
Support for summer internships for Hungarian students studying abroad
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Uzbek cooperation
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Korean cooperation
6,00 International programmes
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support to bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperations;
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Support for participation in the Horizon Europe Key Digital Technologies (KDT) partnership
EUROSTARS: Support for Hungarian participation in the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international calls for proposals of ERA-NET COFUND, EJPCOFUND and other multilateral programmes
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in the joint international calls for proposals of European Partnerships in Horizon Europe
Call for project proposals implemented in bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperation
6,10 International programmes
HU-rizon Programme
Call for project proposals implemented in bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperation
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international calls for proposals of ERA-NET COFUND, EJP COFUND and other multilateral programmes
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in the joint international calls for proposals of European Partnerships in Horizon Europe
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Support for participation in the Horizon Europe Key Digital Technologies (KDT) partnership
EUROSTARS: Support for Hungarian participation in the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs;
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call (EU_KKV);
Support for active participation in international professional organisations for researchers and research managers (Networking+);
Booster call for the Teaming of Excellence 2025 call;
International cooperation in preparation.
Announced under international programmes.
(Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures 2021-4.1.2-NEMZ_KI)
  Announced under international programmes.   Announced under international programmes.   Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
            Large Company Focus Area Innovation Programme
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Innovation Venture Capital Programme
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Development of applied research and innovation services
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
Investment in the future Fund
Investment in the future
Development of an applied research network
Participation in the National Network of Applied Research Institutes
University Innovation Ecosystema
University Innovation Ecosystema
2019-1.2.1-EGYETEMI ÖKO
KKV Start programme
KKV Start Innovation
2020-1.1.1-KKV START
    Centres of excellence
Establishing and developing centres of excellence
    Startup Programme
Startup Programme
        Incubator Support Scheme

Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
PD_21, FK_21, K_21, ANN_21, SNN_21
12,90 Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
PD_22, FK_22, K_22, ANN_22, SNN_22
13,50 Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
PD_23, FK_23, K_23, SNN_23
13,50 Excellence-based research funding
Call for EXCELLENCE research proposals
Call for ADVANCED research proposals
Call for STARTING research proposals
Call for proposals for research projects based on Hungarian-Austrian and Hungarian-Slovenian cooperation
ANN_24, SNN_24
Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
3,00 Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
New National Excellence Programme
ÚNKP-21-1, ÚNKP-21-2, ÚNKP-21-3, ÚNKP-21-4, ÚNKP-21-5, ÚNKP-21-6
4,00 New National Excellence Programme
ÚNKP-22-1, ÚNKP-22-2, ÚNKP-22-3, ÚNKP-22-4, ÚNKP-22-5, ÚNKP-22-6
0,828 New National Excellence Programme
ÚNKP-23-1, ÚNKP-23-2, ÚNKP-23-3, ÚNKP-23-4, ÚNKP-23-5, ÚNKP-23-6
0,710 University Research Scholarship Programme
(scholarships announced by higher education institutions)
Cooperative Doctoral Programme
Cooperative Doctoral Programme
4,894     Cooperative Doctoral Programme
Cooperative Doctoral Programme
Patronage Programme
Science Patronage Programme
1,00         Science Patronage Programme
Science Patronage Programme
            Research Grant Hungary
Research Grant Hungary
RGH_S_24, RGH_L_24
            Pension - matching fund
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Own contribution - matching fund
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Proof of Concept: development potential assessment
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
Thematic Excellence Programme

Thematic Excellence Programme 2021
(The budget includes the HUF 1 billion budget of the National Defence Subprogramme of the Cooperative Doctoral Programme (NDPCP-2021), which is closely linked to the National Defence, National Security Subprogramme of the 2021 Thematic Excellence Programme.)
    Building the Selye János Student Lab network
Building the Selye János Student Lab network
National Laboratories Sub-fund
    National Laboratories
Establishment and complex development of the National Laboratories

* The total budget of the 2024 Programme Strategy.

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