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European market-oriented research and development cooperation (EUREKA)
13 February 2003
Modified: 17 November 2022
Reading time: 6 minute(s)
EurekaAims to increase Europe’s global competitiveness through the international coordination of industrial and technological research in international partnerships, mainly with the support of RDI activities involving businesses that lead to innovative products, processes or services.
Short name EUREKA
Name European market oriented R&D cooperation
Official website;
Year of foundation 1985
Number of member countries 40 countries and the European Commission
Participating countries 27 Member States of the EU, Chile, South Africa, Great Britain, South Korea, North Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Canada, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Singapour, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine
Hungary’s accession 1992
Public administration representative

Szonja Csuzdi
EUREKA-EUROSTARS High-Level Group representative

National Research, Development and Innovation Office
Department of International Affairs
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
Phone: +36 1 896 3758

Gergely Mészáros
EUREKA-EUROSTARS National Project Coordinator

National Research, Development and Innovation Office
Department of International Affairs
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
Phone: +36 1 896 3741

Professional representative
Membership payments 2015: EUR 29,096 (≈ HUF 9.1 million)
2016: EUR 29,470 (≈ HUF 9.2 million)
2017: EUR 29,845 (≈ HUF 9.3 million)
2018: EUR 30,168 (≈ HUF 9.3 million)
2020: EUR 30,834 (≈ HUF 10.2 million)
2021: EUR 31,374 (≈ HUF 11,3 million)
2022: EUR 32,455 (≈ HUF 11,7 million)

Summary of professional cooperation/programme

  • Contributes to Europe’s global competitiveness through the coordination of industrial and technological research.
  • Projects are funded in the R&D stage preceding market entry.
  • Open toward all fields of technology ensuring wide scope for the applicants’ innovative ideas.
  • Its flexible system is an excellent platform for bilateral or regional project activities.
  • Participants are mainly businesses, for-profit institutions, SMEs and research centres (universities and research institutions).
  • The EUROSTAT programme operating in the framework of the cooperation is specifically designed to support R&D performing SMEs.

Benefits of the membership for Hungary

  • Opportunity for SMEs to launch innovative projects in international consortia without any restriction on the topic.
  • Opportunity for joining leading research groups and consortia led by prominent European large companies.
  • Max. 30% of domestic funds provided to EUROSTARS projects is reinvested in Hungary in the form of EU co-financing.
  • Since joining the organisation Hungarian businesses and research institutions have participated in around 100 EUREKA projects.
  • Presently over 30 EUREKA and over 20 EUROSTARS projects are running with Hungarian participation.
  • On average, application success rate is 30% for domestic EUREKA projects, and 20% for EUROSTARS projects with Hungarian involvement.

Description of activity

Established in 1985, EUREKA aims to increase Europe’s global competitiveness by coordinating and supporting market-oriented research, development and innovation projects implemented in international cooperation. Most EUREKA projects are implemented by businesses (70% of the participants), but universities and research institutions also actively participate in the programme as partners. Since its foundation, EUREKA has supported more than 6000 projects worth of 37 billion Euros.

Projects funded under the EUREKA focus on near-market research and development aimed at the creation of innovative products, processes and services. EUREKA is characterised by a bottom-up approach which does not predefine R&D directions or areas; the focus of a project is always determined by the initiator businesses and research institutions and the market needs. The members of the EUREKA network: the 28 EU Member States, as well as Iceland, Israel, Monaco, Norway, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Turkey, Macedonia and Ukraine. In total: 40 countries and the European Commission; and Chile, the Republic of South Africa, South Korea and Canada as associate members.


EUREKA has no central budget; participants cover research costs from own funds and – subject to conditions varying from member country to member country – from national funds. More information about funding opportunities in member states:

EUREKA has no central budget; participants cover research costs from own funds and – subject to conditions varying from member country to member country – from national funds. More information about funding opportunities in member states:

EUREKA is implemented through traditional networks, strategic clusters, umbrellas, Eurostars projects and E!Innovest projects.

  • Network projects are shorter, 23 year projects implemented by independent participants from at least two different EUREKA member countries. The focus is on near-market research, development and innovation (product, service or process with significant marketable results). Average number of participants: 2-4.
  • Clusters are strategically significant initiatives that support the long and medium-term RDI projects in cutting-edge technology sectors. Partnerships are formed by a large number of participants, including leading European large companies, focusing on the development of generic technologies that are essential for Europe’s competitiveness. Average number of participants: 10+
  • EUROSTARS is the joint programme of EUREKA member countries and the European Commission. It has supported the international cooperation of innovative R&D performing SMEs since 2008, financed partly by member countries and partly by the EU.
  • The E!Innovest programme provides training to enhance the investment readiness of businesses whose projects received funding under an EUREKA or EUROSTARS programme and promotes investor matchmaking.

Organisational framework

Based in Brussels, the EUREKA Secretariat is responsible for the central coordination of EUREKA programmes, fosters cooperation between EUREKA member countries through services, and centrally manages the EUROSTARS programme (announcement and management of joint calls for proposals; assessment and follow-up of proposals).

The EUREKA Chair rotates among EUREKA member countries annually, on a voluntary basis.

The supreme decision-making body of EUREKA is the Ministerial Conference (MC), which holds meetings every two years. It comprises of the ministers responsible for industry development and research in the member countries. The MC reviews the results since the previous meeting and sets the strategic tasks for the next period. Between MC meetings, the key decision-making body is the High Level Group (HLG). Operative work is done at the level of National Project Coordinators (NPCs). HLG and NPC meetings are held 34 times a year to define the operative agenda and discuss policy issues.

The responsibilities of the Hungarian EUREKA National Project Coordinator:

  • coordinates and actively manages Hungarian EUREKA activities;
  • constantly communicates with NPCs from other EUREKA member countries, as well as Hungarian institutions and researchers participating in EUREKA projects;
  • ensures that the Hungarian research and development community is informed about participation opportunities in EUREKA projects and running projects;
  • maintains contact and consults with the Hungarian member of the HLG and with external professionals (e.g. on opportunities to make financial commitments by Hungary);
  • organises and takes care of new projects; fulfils administrative tasks;
  • organises and coordinates EUREKA events in Hungary and abroad.

Documents for application:

Updated: 17 November 2022
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